职称 教授
学位 博士
政治面貌 致公党党员
电话 027-87285198
邮箱 [email protected]
研究方向 鱼类免疫与病害防控
2018.06 至今,棋牌娱乐-棋牌游戏大全
兼任Frontiers in Immunology和Animal Research and One Health副主编以及Fish & Shellfish Immunology、Antibiotics、Modern Agriculture、水生生物学报、华中农业大学学报、大连海洋大学学报等期刊编委。
长期从事鱼类免疫与病害防控研究,入选“国家百千万人才工程”,享受“国务院政府特殊津贴”。近年来工作主要集中在鱼类免疫效应因子(抗体、抗菌肽、干扰素等)的抗感染机制和鱼类病原(GCRV、LMBV、无乳链球菌等)的致病机理研究以及我国淡水鱼类疫病(草鱼出血病、罗非鱼链球菌病等)的新型疫苗和免疫增强剂研发。发表学术论文150余篇,其中两篇以封面文章形式发表在免疫学领域顶级刊物Nature Immunology上;申报/授权国家发明专利15件。
1. 湖北洪山实验室重大项目,新型替抗分子LECT2和IFN-20口服制剂研发及其在加州鲈养殖中的应用(2022hszd011),2022/10-2025/09,100万元
2. 湖北省重点研发计划项目,淡水鱼类细菌病口服疫苗研发(2022BBA054),2022/07-2024/12,100万元
3. 企业委托,工业化养殖加州鲈病害诊断与防治技术研发,2022/01-2026/12,100万元
4. 国家现代农业产业技术体系,特色淡水鱼体系细菌病防控岗位(CARS-46),2021-2025,350万元
5. 岭南现代农业科学与技术广东省实验室双聘团队重大科技研究专项(鱼类分子育种及病害控制)课题,鱼类细菌病致病机理与免疫防控技术(NT2021008),2021/10-2024/09,300万元
6. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,草鱼出血病发生的分子机制解析(31930114),2020/01-2024/12,296万元
7. 企业委托,水产动物免疫与疾病防控,2018/11-2023/10,500万元
8. 国家重点研发计划蓝色粮仓科技创新专项(水产动物疫病发生的分子基础与免疫机制)课题,宿主免疫效应因子与抗感染免疫稳态调控(2018YFD0900505),2018/12-2022/12,692万元,已结题
9. 国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金,鱼类先天免疫(31725026),2018/01-2022/12,400万元,已结题
10. 湖北省自然科学基金创新群体项目,鱼类病毒病的发生机理(2018CFA011),2018/01-2020/12,50万元,已结题
11. 企业委托,罗非鱼和草鱼疫苗新技术开发,2017/01-2019/12,90万元,已结题
12. 国家重点基础研究发展(973)计划(养殖鱼类蛋白质高效利用的调控机制)课题,鱼类的摄食选择与消化道健康(2014CB138601),2014/01-2018/8,607万元,已结题
13. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)(分子模块设计育种创新体系)子课题,鲤抗病分子模块解析-3(XDA08010207-3),2013/08-2017/12,280万元,已结题
14. 武汉东湖新技术开发区“3551光谷人才计划”专项资金,草鱼疾病诊断试剂盒、疫苗和免疫增强剂的研发,2013/06-2016/05,100万元,已结题
15. 中组部和中科院计划,鱼类免疫应答机制及其在疫病预防中的应用,2012/01-2015/12,210万元,已结题
16. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,重要养殖鱼类IgD和IgT的免疫功能及其与IgM的比较研究(31172431),2012/01-2015/12,61万元,已结题
1. Guoli Hou, Zhao Lv, Wenzhi Liu, Shuting Xiong, Qiushi Zhang, Chun Li, Xiaodong Wang, Liang Hu, Chunhua Ding, Rui Song, Hongquan Wang, Yong-An Zhang*, Tiaoyi Xiao* & Junhua Li*. An aquatic virus exploits the IL6-STAT3-HSP90 signaling axis to promote viral entry. PLoS Pathogens 2023, 19(4): e1011320. (*通讯作者)
2. Guoli Hou, Qiushi Zhang, Chun Li, Geye Ding, Lingling Hu, Xiaoying Chen, Zhao Lv, Yuding Fan, Jun Zou, Tiaoyi Xiao*, Yong-An Zhang* & Junhua Li*. An aquareovirus exploits membrane-anchored HSP70 to promote viral entry. Microbiology Spectrum 2023, e04055-22. (*通讯作者)
3. An-Qi Liu, Xiangmou Qin, Hui Wu, Hao Feng, Yong-An Zhang* & Jiagang Tu*. hnRNPA1 impedes snakehead vesiculovirus replication via competitively disrupting viral phosphoprotein-nucleoprotein interaction and degrading viral phosphoprotein. Virulence 2023, 14(1): 2196847. (*通讯作者)
4. Xiangmou Qin, Yong-An Zhang* & Jiagang Tu*. p38MAPK- and GSK3-Mediated Phosphorylation of Snakehead Vesiculovirus Phosphoprotein at Threonine 160 Facilitates Viral Replication. Journal of Virology 2023, 97(5):e0040423. (*通讯作者)
5. Wang ZX, Liu B, Yang T, Yu DQ, Zhang C, Zheng LM, Xie J, Liu B, Liu MX, Peng HL, Lai LH, Ouyang Q*, Ouyang SY*, Zhang YA*. Structure of the spring viraemia of carp virus ribonucleoprotein complex reveals its assembly mechanism and application in antiviral drug screening. Journal of Virology 2023, 97(4): e0182922. (*通讯作者)
6. Congran Bei#, Chu Zhang#, Hui Wu, Hao Feng, Yong-An Zhang*, Jiagang Tu*. DDX3X Is Hijacked by Snakehead Vesiculovirus Phosphoprotein to Facilitate Virus Replication via Stabilization of the Phosphoprotein. Journal of Virology 2023, 97(2): e0003523. (*通讯作者)
7. Wang J, Wu C S, Hu Y Z, Yang L, Zhang X J* & Zhang Y A*. Plasmablasts induced by chitosan oligosaccharide secrete natural IgM to enhance the humoral immunity in grass carp. Carbohydrate Polymers 2022, 281: 119073. (*通讯作者)
8. Hu Y Z, Ma Z Y, Wu C S, Wang J, Zhang Y A* & Zhang X J*. LECT2 is a novel antibacterial protein in vertebrates. Journal of Immunology 2022, 208 (8): 2037-2053. (*通讯作者)
9. Zhang Chi, Liu An-Qi, Zhang Chu, Liu Lan-Hao, Su Jianguo, Zhang Yong-An* & Tu Jiagang*. MicroRNA miR-722 Inhibits Cyprinid Herpesvirus 3 Replication via Targeting the Viral Immune Evasion Protein ORF89, Which Negatively Regulates IFN by Degrading IRF3. Journal of Immunology 2022, 209(10): 1918-1929. (*通讯作者)
10. Zhang X J, Zhong Y Q, Ma Z Y, Hu Y Z, Su J G & Zhang Y A*. Insights into the antibacterial properties of complement peptides C3a, C4a, and C5a across vertebrates. Journal of Immunology 2022, 209: 1-11. (*通讯作者)
11. Jiang L, Liu A Q, Zhang C, Zhang Y A* & Tu J G*. Hsp90 Regulates GCRV-II Proliferation by Interacting with VP35 as Its Receptor and Chaperone. Journal of Virology 2022, e0117522. (*通讯作者)
12. Zhou Y, Lei Y, Lu L F, Chen D D, Zhang C, Li Z C, Zhou X Y, Li S & Zhang Y A*. cGAS is a negative regulator of RIG-I–mediated IFN response in cyprinid fish. Journal of Immunology 2021, 207: 784-798. (*通讯作者)
13. Zhang Y W, Zhang Y A* & Tu J G*. Hsp90 is required for snakehead vesiculovirus replication via stabilizing the viral L protein. Journal of Virology 2021, 95(16): e0059421. (*通讯作者)
14. Zhang C, Tu J* & Zhang Y A*. MicroRNA regulation of viral replication in teleost fish: a review. Reviews in Aquaculture 2021, DOI: 10.1111/raq.12526. (*通讯作者)
15. Li X M, Zhang F H, Wu N, Ye D, Wang Y P, Zhang X F, Sun Y H* & Zhang Y A*. A critical role of foxp3a-positive regulatory T cells in maintaining immune homeostasis in zebrafish testis development. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 2020, S1673-8527(20)30150-8. (*通讯作者)
16. Wang Z X, Liu S B, Guan H X, Lu L F, Tu J G, Ouyang S Y* & Zhang Y A*. Structural and functional characterization of the phosphoprotein central domain of spring viremia of carp virus. Journal of Virology 2020, 94: e00855-20. (*通讯作者)
17. Qin X M, Feng S S, Zhang Y W, Su J G, Lin L, Zhang Y A* & Tu J G*. Leader RNA regulates snakehead vesiculovirus replication via interacting with viral nucleoprotein. RNA Biology 2020, //doi.org/10.1080/15476286.2020.1818960. (*通讯作者)
18. Li S, Lu L F, Liu S B, Zhang C, Li Z C, Zhou X Y & Zhang Y A*. Spring viraemia of carp virus modulates p53 expression using two distinct mechanisms. PLoS Pathogens 2019, 15(3):e1007695. (*通讯作者)
19. Li S, Lu L F, Li Z C, Zhang C, Zhou X Y, Zhou Y & Zhang Y A*. Zebrafish MVP recruits and degrades TBK1 to suppress IFN production. Journal of Immunology 2019, 202 (2): 559-566. (*通讯作者)
20. Lu L F, Li S, Wang Z X, Liu S B, Chen D D & Zhang Y A*. Zebrafish NDRG1a Negatively Regulates Interferon Induction by Promoting the Degradation of IRF7. Journal of Immunology 2019, 202 (1): 119-130. (*通讯作者)
21. Lu L F, Li S, Wang Z X, Du S Q, Chen D D, Nie P & Zhang Y A*. Grass Carp Reovirus VP41 Targets Fish MITA to Abrogate the IFN Response. Journal of Virology 2017, 91: e00390-17. (*通讯作者)
22. Li S, Lu L F, Wang Z X, Lu X B, Chen D D, Nie P & Zhang Y A*. The P Protein of Spring Viremia of Carp Virus Negatively Regulates Fish IFN Response by Inhibiting the Kinase Activity of TANK-binding kinase 1. Journal of Virology 2016, 90 (23): 10728-10737. (*通讯作者)
23. Lu L F, Li S, Lu X B, Scott E L, Zhang N, Zhang X J, Chen D D, Nie P & Zhang Y A*. Spring viremia of carp virus N protein suppresses fish IFNφ1 production by targeting the mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein. Journal of Immunology 2016, 196 (9): 3744-3753. (*通讯作者)
24. Zhang X J, Zhang X Y, Zhang N, Guo X, Peng K S, Wu H, Lu L F, Wu N, Chen D D, Li S, Nie P & Zhang Y A*. Distinctive structural hallmarks and biological activities of the multiple cathelicidin antimicrobial peptides in a primitive teleost fish. Journal of Immunology 2015, 194 (10): 4974-4987. (*通讯作者)
25. Li S, Lu L F, Feng H, Wu N, Chen D D, Zhang Y B, Gui J F, Nie P & Zhang Y A*. IFN regulatory factor 10 is a negative regulator of the IFN responses in fish. Journal of Immunology 2014, 193 (3): 1100-1109. (*通讯作者)
26. Zhang Y A#, Salinas I#, Li J, Parra D, Bjork S J, Xu Z, LaPatra S E, Bartholomew J L & Sunyer J O*. IgT, a primitive immunoglobulin class specialized in mucosal immunity. Nature Immunology 2010, 11 (9): 827-835. (#并列第一作者)
27. Zhang Y A#, Hikima J-I#, Li J, LaPatra S E, Luo Y P & Sunyer J O*. Conservation of structural and functional features in a primordial CD80/86 molecule from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), a primitive teleost fish. Journal of Immunology 2009, 183: 83-96. (#并列第一作者)
28. Chang C-I#, Zhang Y A#, Zou J, Nie P & Secombes C J*. Two cathelicidin genes are present in both rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2006, 50: 185-195. (#并列第一作者)
1. 张永安, 陈丹丹, 郭霞. 一种枯草芽孢杆菌制剂及制备方法和应用. 中国发明专利, ZL201510154074.5; 授权公告日: 2017-11-10.
2. 张永安, 陈丹丹, 郭霞. 一种枯草芽孢杆菌GC5表面展示GCRV VP7蛋白的重组芽孢及制备方法. 中国发明专利, ZL201510041532.4; 授权公告日: 2017-09-19.
3. 张永安, 吴南, 王标. 加兰他敏在防治豆粕饲料引起的鱼类肠炎中的应用. 中国发明专利, ZL201810428821.3; 授权公告日: 2022-07-08.
4. 张永安, 张旭杰, 胡亚珍. 一种草鱼抗菌蛋白LECT2及其制备方法和应用. 中国发明专利, ZL202110267641.3; 授权公告日: 2022-08-16.
5. 张旭杰, 张永安. 来源于补体成分C5a的抗菌肽及其应用. 中国发明专利, ZL202110454244.7; 授权公告日: 2022-08-16.
6. 张永安, 陈丹丹, 张向阳, 崔正伟. 杂交瘤细胞株及其分泌的抗草鱼IL-15Rα单克隆抗体和应用. 中国发明专利, ZL202110171394.7; 授权公告日: 2022-09-27
7. 涂加钢, 张永安. 一种构建赤点石斑鱼神经坏死病毒反向遗传系统的方法. 中国发明专利, ZL202010239788.7; 授权公告日: 2022-03-08