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日期:2020-02-16作者: 审核人: 浏览量:


职称 教授

学位 博士

政治面貌 中共党员

邮箱 [email protected]

研究方向 鱼类脂质营养代谢调控绿色功能性饲料研发



2011.09 — 2016.06 棋牌娱乐-棋牌游戏大全 ,硕博连读,获博士学位。

2007.09 — 2011.06 沈阳农业大学,获学士学位;


2019.12 — 至今    华中农业大学 棋牌娱乐 ,副教授。

2018.11 — 2019.11  Kings College London,博士后;

2016.07 — 2019.11   华中农业大学 棋牌娱乐 ,师资博后;



1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目—Mfn2介导的线粒体融合促进黄颡鱼脂肪酸β-氧化的机制研究、2023.1-2026.12、在研、主持;

2. 国家自然科学青年基金胆碱经IRE1α启动子甲基化改善黄颡鱼肝脂沉积的分子机理、2020.1-2022.12、结题、主持;

3. 三峡工程鱼类资源保护湖北省重点实验室开放课题磷脂调控圆口铜鱼卵巢发育的机制研究2022.10-2025.9、在研、主持;

4. 华中农业大学自主科技创新基金项目—Mfn1介导线粒体融合促进黄颡鱼肝脂分解供能的分子机制、2020.05-2023.04、结题、主持;

5. 中国博士后面上项目—SREBP-1c在内质网应激影响黄颡鱼脂类代谢中的作用机制2017.1-2019.12,结题,主持。



[1] Bai ZY, Zheng H, Luo Z, Hogstrand C, Wang LJ, Song YF*. (2022). Dietary Choline Mitigates High-Fat Diet-Impaired Chylomicrons Assembly via UPRer Modulated by perk DNA Methylation. Cells 30, 3848. (IF=7.6).

[2] Song YF, Zheng H, Luo Z, Hogstrand C, Bai ZY, Wei XL. (2022). Dietary Choline Alleviates High-Fat Diet-Induced Hepatic Lipid Dysregulation via UPRmt Modulated by SIRT3-Mediated mtHSP70 Deacetylation. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23, 4204. (IF=6.2).

[3] Song YF, Hogstrand C, Ling SC, Chen GH, Luo Z. (2020). Creb-Pgc1α pathway modulates the interaction between lipid droplets and mitochondria and influences high fat diet-induced changes of lipid metabolism in the liver and isolated hepatocytes of yellow catfish. J. Nutr. Biochem. 80, 108364. (IF=6.12, 营养学领域经典Top期刊; JCR 1).

[4] Song YF, Gao Y, Hogstrand C, Pan YX, Luo Z. (2018). Upstream regulators of apoptosis mediates methionine-induced changes of lipid metabolism. Cell. Signalling. 51, 176-190.

[5] Song YF, Xu YH, Zhuo MQ, Wu K, Luo Z. (2018). CREB element is essential for unfolded protein response (UPR) mediating the cu-induced changes of hepatic lipogenic metabolism in Chinese yellow catfish (pelteobagrus fulvidraco). Aquat. Toxicol. 203, 69-79. (IF=5.2; JCR 1).

[6] Song YF, Tan XY, Pan YX, Zhang LH, Chen QL, Luo Z. (2018). Fatty acid β-oxidation is essential in leptin-mediated oocytes maturation of yellow catfish pelteobagrus fulvidracoInt. J. Mol. Sci. 19, 1457. (IF=6.2).

[7] Song YF, Hogstrand C, Wei CC, Wu K, Pan YX, Luo Z. (2017). Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and cAMP/PKA pathway mediated Zn-induced hepatic lipolysis. Environ. Pollut. 228, 256-264. (IF=9.98JCR 1).

[8] Song YF, Huang C, Shi X, Pan YX, Liu X, Luo Z. (2016). Endoplasmic reticulum stress and dysregulation of calcium homeostasis mediate cu-induced alteration in hepatic lipid metabolism of javelin goby synechogobius hastaAquat. Toxicol. 175, 20-29.  (IF=5.2; JCR 1).

[9] Song YF, Luo Z, Zhang LH, Hogstrand C, Pan YX. (2016). Endoplasmic reticulum stress and disturbed calcium homeostasis are involved in copper-induced alteration in hepatic lipid metabolism in yellow catfish pelteobagrus fulvidracoChemosphere 144, 2443-2453.  (IF=8.9; JCR 1).

[10] Song YF, Luo Z, Huang C, Chen QL, Pan YX, Xu YH (2015). Endoplasmic reticulum stress-related genes in yellow catfish pelteobagrus fulvidraco: molecular characterization, tissue expression, and expression responses to dietary copper deficiency and excess. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genet. 5, 2091-2104.

[11] Song YF, Wu K, Tan XY, Zhang LH, Zhuo MQ, Pan YX, Luo Z. (2015). Effects of recombinant human leptin administration on hepatic lipid metabolism in yellow catfish pelteobagrus fulvidracoin vivo and in vitro studies. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 212, 92-99.

[12] Song YF, Luo Z, Pan YX, Zhang LH, Chen QL, Zheng JL. (2015). Three unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis-related genes in yellow catfish pelteobagrus fulvidraco: molecular characterization, tissue expression and transcriptional regulation by leptin. Gene 563, 1-9.

[13] Song YF, Luo Z, Pan YX, Liu X, Huang C, Chen QL. (2014). Effects of copper and cadmium on lipogenic metabolism and metal element composition in the javelin goby (Synechogobius hasta) after single and combined exposure. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 65, 105-121.

[14] Song YF, Luo Z, Huang C, Liu X, Pan YX, Chen QL. (2013). Effects of calcium and copper exposure on lipogenic metabolism, metal element compositions and histology in Synechogobius hasta. Fish Physiol. Biochem. 39, 1641-1656.

[15] Song YF, Luo Z, Chen QL, Liu X, Liu CX, Zheng JL. (2013). Protective effects of calcium pre-exposure against waterborne cadmium toxicity in Synechogobius hasta. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 65, 105-121.



1. 发明专利. 宋玉峰白震宇罗智. 一种高纯度的黄颡鱼肝脏线粒体内质网偶联提取方法202210230297.5.

