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日期:2021-12-16作者: 审核人: 浏览量:



职称 研究员

邮箱 [email protected]


研究方向 鱼类遗传与育种、鱼类生物信息学




20099月至20126月,棋牌娱乐-棋牌游戏大全 ,获硕士学位;



202112-至今,棋牌娱乐-棋牌游戏大全 ,副研究员;





1. Tang Q, Liu Y, Li C-H, Zhao J-F, Wang T. Comparative Mitogenome Analyses Uncover Mitogenome Features and Phylogenetic Implications of the Reef Fish Family Holocentridae (Holocentriformes). Biology, 2023, 12.

2. Ren F, Zhou Q, Meng Y, Guo W, Tang Q#, Mei J: RNA binding proteins are potential novel biomarkers of egg quality in yellow catfish. Bmc Genomics 2023, 24(1):121.

3. Xiong Y, Wang DY, Guo W, Gong G, Chen ZX, Tang Q#, Mei J: Sexually Dimorphic Gene Expression in X and Y Sperms Instructs Sexual Dimorphism of Embryonic Genome Activation in Yellow Catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco). Biology (Basel) 2022, 11(12).

4. Chrysanthou S, Tang Q*, Lee J, Taylor SJ, Zhao Y, Steidl U, Zheng D, Dawlaty MM: The DNA dioxygenase Tet1 regulates H3K27 modification and embryonic stem cell biology independent of its catalytic activity. Nucleic Acids Res 2022, 50(6):3169-3189.

5. Wang Q, Tang Q*, Zhao L, Zhang Q, Wu Y, Hu H, Liu L, Liu X, Zhu Y, Guo A et al: Time serial transcriptome reveals Cyp2c29 as a key gene in hepatocellular carcinoma development. Cancer Biol Med 2020, 17(2):401-417.

6. Tang Q, Zhang Q, Lv Y, Miao YR, Guo AY: SEGreg: a database for human specifically expressed genes and their regulations in cancer and normal tissue. Brief Bioinform 2019, 20(4):1322-1328.

7. Liu B, Hu FF, Zhang Q, Hu H, Ye Z, Tang Q#, Guo AY: Genomic landscape and mutational impacts of recurrently mutated genes in cancers. Mol Genet Genomic Med 2018, 6(6):910-923.

8. Chen Y, Shi M, Cheng Y, Zhang W, Tang Q#, Xia XQ: FVD: The fish-associated virus database. Infect Genet Evol 2018, 58:23-26.

9. Tang Q, Wang Q, Zhang Q, Lin SY, Zhu Y, Yang X, Guo AY: Gene expression, regulation of DEN and HBx induced HCC mice models and comparisons of tumor, para-tumor and normal tissues. BMC Cancer 2017, 17(1):862.

10. Tang Q, Song Y, Shi M, Cheng Y, Zhang W, Xia XQ: Inferring the hosts of coronavirus using dual statistical models based on nucleotide composition. Sci Rep 2015, 5:17155.

11. Tang Q, Wang C, Xie C, Jin J, Huang Y. Dietary available phosphorus affected growth performance, body composition, and hepatic antioxidant property of juvenile yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco. Sci World J, 2012, 2012:987570.

12. 周全, 王家琪, 于贵杰, 吴建开, 王德忠, 熊阳, 郭稳杰, 张茂森, 唐琴#, 梅洁. 精液添加精氨酸和亮氨酸对杂交黄颡鱼受精和孵化的影响_周全. 水生生物学报, 2023, 2023-04-16.

13. 唐琴,廖全中,曾洁,王超凡,雷学文,王春芳,饲料磷含量对黄颡鱼幼鱼生长、生化组成及血清生化指标的影响,华中农业大学学报,201130, 506-510.




1. SEGreg (//bioinfo.life.hust.edu.cn/SEGreg)

2. FVD (//bioinfo.ihb.ac.cn/fvd)

3. Seq2hosts (//bioinfo.ihb.ac.cn/seq2hosts/)


唐琴,杨煜,孙鹏. 计算机软件著作权:CamlTree一种基于基因组序列的病毒和线粒体系统发育分析软件. 登记号:2023SR1753410. 授权公告日:2023-12-25.