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日期:2017-07-13作者: 审核人: 浏览量:

7C53       职称 副教授

学位 博士

政治面貌 中共党员

邮箱 [email protected]

研究方向 渔业资源,浮游生物生态学



2010/9 - 2014/6,香港中文大学,海洋生物学,博士,导师:黄创俭 教授

2007/9 - 2010/6,华中农业大学,水产养殖,  硕士,导师:熊邦喜&罗智 教授

2003/9 - 2007/6,华中农业大学,水产养殖,  学士,导师:刘红 教授


2014/8 - 2018/12,华中农业大学,棋牌娱乐 ,讲师,硕士生导师

2019/1 - 至今,华中农业大学,棋牌娱乐 ,副教授,硕士生导师









国家自然科学基金面上基金 (31670459),季节性水位波动对通江湖泊内源/外源碳利用及浮游-底栖层耦合的影响,2017/01-2020/12,62万,参与-在研




Liu XJ#, Liang HW#, Li Z, Liang YJ, Lu CY, Li CT, Chang YM, Zou GW, Hu GF, 2017. Performances of the hybrid between CyCa nucleocytplasmic hybrid fish and scattered mirror carp in different culture environments. Scientific Report, 7:46329,  DOI: 10.1038/srep46329 (IF=5.228)

Liu XJ, Liang YJ, Lu CY, Chang YM, Li CT, Qin XF, Quan SY, Wang ZY, Zou GW, Hu GF, 2016. Mitochondrial genome of Ying hybrid carp (Russian scattered scale mirror carp $ 3 carp-goldfish nucleocytoplasmic hybrid #) . Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 1(1): 925-926.

Hu GF#, Liu XJ#, Zou GW, Li Z, Liang HW, Hu SN, 2016. Complete mitochondrial genome of Yangtze River wild common carp (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus) and Russian scattered scale mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio carpio) . Mitochondrial DNA, 27(1): 263-264. (IF=1.760)

Hu GF#, Liu XJ#, Li Z, Liang HW, Hu SN, Zou GW, 2016. Complete mitochondrial genome of Xingguo red carp(Cyprinus carpio var. singuonesis) and purse red carp (Cyprinus carpio var. wuyuanensis).Mitochondrial DNA, 27(1): 244-245. (IF=1.760)

Liu XJ, Tang CH, Wong CK, 2014. Microzooplankton selective feeding in subtropical coastal waters as revealed by HPLC pigment analysis. Journal of Sea Research, 90: 83-94. (IF=2.148)

Hu GF, Zou GW, Liu XJ, Liang HW, Li Z, 2014. The carp-goldfish nucleocytoplasmic hybrid has mitochondria from the carps as the nuclear donor species. Gene, 536: 265-271. (IF=2.319)

Liu XJ, Luo Z, Zheng JL, Xiong BX, 2013. Effects of waterborne acephate exposure on antioxidant responses and acetylcholinesterase activities in Synechogobius hasta. Environmental toxicology, 28(1): 42-50. (IF=2.868)

Wong CK, Pak AP, Liu XJ, 2013. Gill damage to juvenile orange-spotted grouper Epinephelus coioides(Hamilton, 1822) following exposure to suspended sediments. Aquaculture Research, 44(11): 1685-1695. (IF=1.606)

Luo Z, Tan XY, Liu CX, Li XD, Liu XJ, Xi WQ, 2012. Effect of dietary conjugated linoleic acid levels on growth performance, muscle fatty acid profile, hepatic intermediary metabolism and antioxidant responses in genetically improved farmed Tilapia strain of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. Aquaculture Research, 43: 1392-1403.(IF=1.606)

Liu XJ, Luo Z, Li CH, Xiong BX, Zhao YH, Li XD, 2011. Antioxidant responses, hepatic intermediary metabolism, histology and ultrastructure in Synechogobius hasta exposed to waterborne cadmium. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 4(5): 1156-63. (IF=3.130)

Liu XJ, Luo Z, Xiong BX, Liu X, Zhao YH, Hu GF, Lv GJ, 2010. Effect of waterborne copper exposure on growth, hepatic enzymatic activities and histology in Synechogobius hasta. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 73(6): 1286-91. (IF=3.130)

Tan XY, Luo Z, Xie P, Li XD, Liu XJ, Xi WQ, 2010. Effect of dietary conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on growth performance, body composition and hepatic intermediary metabolism in juvenile yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco. Aquaculture, 310: 186-191. (IF = 1.893)

Tan XY, Luo Z, Zhang GY, Liu XJ, Jiang M, 2010. Effect of dietary cadmium level on the growth, body composition and several hepatic enzymatic activities of juvenile yellow catfish,Pelteobagrus fulvidraco. Aquaculture Research, 41: 1022-1029. (IF = 1.606)

Liu XJ, Hu GF, 2009. Threatened fishes of the world:Schizothorax (Schizopyge) biddulphi Günther, 1876 (Cyprinidae).Environ Biol Fish, 85: 97-98. (IF=1.356)

Hu GF, Liu XJ*, 2009. Threatened fishes of the world:Cyprinus ilishaestomus(Chen & Hwang, 1977) (Cyprinidae).Environ Biol Fish, 84: 259. (IF=1.356)

Tan XY, Luo Z, Xie P, Liu XJ, 2009. Effect of dietary linolenic acid/linoleic acid ratio on growth performance, hepatic fatty acid profiles and intermediary metabolism of juvenile yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco. Aquaculture, 296: 96-101.(IF = 1.893)

Hu GF, Liang HW, Li Z, Wang CZ, Wu QC, Liu XJ, Zou GW, 2009. Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite markers in the yellow catfish,Pelteobagrus fulvidraco. Conservation Genet Resour, 1: 63-66.

